Neurological conditions


Test your symptoms!

Hello ,

We will make an analysis of your symptoms and medical history where we explain how it all correlates to your nervous system. Based on the analysis you can then determine if Neurofix-therapy is the right treatment method for you!

All information will be treated with utmost confidentiality!



1 / 11

How old are you?

2 / 11

What symptoms do you have?

3 / 11

what different diagnoses have you got?

4 / 11

How long have you been suffering from pain/functionality related issues? and do you feel your symptoms are progressing?

5 / 11

From scale 1-10 how mutch does your symptoms affect your life (work, hobbies, every day life)?

6 / 11

List all surgeries and traumas that you have had in your life and when.

7 / 11

what treatments (medications, therapies, etc.) are you currently using?

8 / 11

Do you have one or more of the following?

9 / 11

What would a better health mean to you?

10 / 11

The treatment plan usually takes from 3 months to a year (depending on the severity). Are you ready to make a commitment and investment in your future and health?

11 / 11

Anything else we need to know about your health?

Thank you for taking the quiz! Fill in the following details to get your analysis.

Your contact information will not be used for anything else than the quiz analysis!


Neurofix-therapy in a nutshell

Neurofix-therapy (previously PNH-therapy):

  • Based on neuroanatomy
  • Scientific evidence of effectiveness
  • Tailored treatment plans
  • Performed manually (firm touch: press, circulate and stretch)
  • Full body treatment (lying on a treatment table face up and face down, no twisting)
  • Duration ~70-80min
  • Pain free (intensity can be adjusted)
  • Safe and natural (no adverse/side effects in studies)
  • Suitable for all ages (also for Marevan users)

Contraindications: Pregnancy, fresh surgery, organ transplant, active cancer, heart failure, psychosis, high fever

Dress up in confortable clothes like gym clothes and socks

Here are few of our referenses

You can find more references

Annimari Korte, Olympic athlete 100m hurdles

Olympic athletes in Finland

It is all about the fractions of seconds or millimeters!

We can help athletes reach their ultimate records by getting the most out of the nervous system!

– Reach up to 100% recovery rates
– Best sleep in all aspects
– Elasticity in muscles that are hardened by nerves
– Mental deep relaxation and stress resilience in new level, focus!
– Prevention of injuries like tears in muscles and tendons
– Faster recovery from injuries and surgeries

Harri Ahvenainen 74y.

Diagnose: Polyneuropathy, drop foot, nerve pain

Harri had difficulties walking even short distances because of drop foot and nerve pain. He had to quit his beloved golf membership and going to the gym became impossible. Harris symptoms were diagnosed 2016 and his condition was deteriorating rapidly. 

After starting Neurofix treatments Harris condition started improving quickly. The chronic nerve pain was soon gone and motoric movement improved so mutch that Harri could discard his leg brace for good! As Harri was able to move more the muscle strenght, balance and endurance has improved to normal levels.

”I have been able to get my normal life back thanks to Neurofix! despite the doctors hopeless prognosis!” 


-ENMG- results show that the damage has repaired

-Drop foot has repaired-No need for leg brace
-No more nerve pain
-Fysiotherapy tests improved to normal levels
-Muscle strenght, endurance, balance and motoric movements restored

Tuija Harmainen 61y.

Diagnose: Nerve damage in left leg from failed back surgery in 2019 (4 x L5 back surgeries in total) 

Tuija was diagnosed with permanent left side L5-nerve root damage in an EMG study two years ago, after two consecutive back surgeries. The nerve root damage caused constant pain and motor dysfunctions in the left leg. Tuija had 7 Neurofix-therapy treatments in 3 months and took a second EMG exam, which showed that the L5 nerve root damage had been corrected. “Now my leg feels flexible and soft again, before it felt like walking with a wooden leg Tuija says.”

Mattias Gestranius 41y.

Diagnoses: Overtraining syndrome, muscle tears

Mattias is an international soccer referee and had suffered from overtraining syndrome from the past year after his body shut down after a game. His heart rate spiked up, and he started having unexplained symptoms like pain, sleeping disorders, fatigue, muscle tears, heartburn, etc. All medical tests were clear so Mattias turned to Neurofix-therapy.

After 2 months, Mattias was able to pass the first physical tests and start building up endurance. After 4 months, he took the referees’ physical tests in Geneva and passed them easily, getting his international referee’s license. Through Neurofix, he was able to recover and rebuild his physical fitness in just 6 months.


WHO reports that over 100 million people have been diagnosed with long covid by fall 2021. Long covid is a serious threat to public health world wide causing substantial expenses and suffering. Nearly every other person’s symptoms have lasted over a year and in most patients the symptoms are disruptive in everyday life and lowers the ability to function.

In our PNH-Long covid study for 5 people we discovered that SARS-CoV-2 virus can cause damage / malfunction to the peripheral nervous system as well. Especially the Autonomic nervous system is widely affected by the virus. The symptoms can include:

Introducing a new element of health!

For centuries, people have believed that fulfilling the first seven elements would lead to optimal health. But one crucial element has been overlooked: the nervous system.

We all know that the nervous system exists in the body, especially when something hits the nerve bang on as in the elbow or the toe! yeah, we’ve all experienced that! And those of us who have experienced chronic nerve pain surely knows what the nerves are capable of.

The importance of the nervous system

In addition to delivering pain signals to the brain, nerves control everything in our bodies including messages, functions, and organs, as well as the autonomic (involuntary) and somatic (voluntary) nervous systems. So, wouldn’t you agree that the nerves and how well they function have a huge impact on a person’s health and wellbeing?

The problem is that there isn’t a working method to strengthen and rehabilitate the nervous system once it malfunctions, especially in the more severe cases. There also isn’t a proper diagnosing method either. Fortunately, all this is about to change in the future!

How to optimize the nervous system?

Neurofix-therapy is a new revolutionary way to evaluate, treat and rehabilitate the nervous system. Neurofix-therapy is focused on the peripheral nerves ending spreads throughout the body. By manually activating these areas, it is possible to rehabilitate the function of the peripheral nerves connected to a central nervous system.

By treating the peripheral nerves, it is possible to fix the underlying cause of many symptoms and dysfunctions. Neurofix-therapy can also be used to optimize the following functions of the body:

Through the peripheral nervous system many functions of the body can be optimized but also restored if malfunctioning or even inoperative. Such conditions include fibromyalgia, inoperable joint and back problems, sciatica, unexplained symptoms, pain, neurological symptoms from COVID-19 infection, and peripheral neuropathies, in which hands and/or feet slowly lose their function accompanied by nerve pain.

Meet the experts

Jari and Katri Uotila

If you have neurological challenges, we can help you!

Here is our story...